Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Weight of Books

Sorry it's been a while, but we've been moving. GAHHH!

Thank you to everyone for well wishes, prayers, and HELP. It was a huge blessing. It was wonderful to see everyone join us in our new home and now we're in the "fun" process of unpacking, which brings me to my topic...

Do you Kindle? (Or Nook? Or whatever?)

I'm firmly encamped in the REAL books trenches- I contend that nothing will ever, ever replace the smell, feel, or perfection of a paper bound book. You can't have a first edition signed KINDLE copy of a book. You can't smell the pages of a Nook. You can't even use a fancy bookmark! So what the heck is the deal? I get that books can be cumbersome at times, but it's a delightful weight because it's a commitment, it's solid, and it's so indisputably there. A paper book won't run out of batteries or shut off. You can read them while the airplane is taking off, or fold the cover back. These simple joys of book reading are stolen when you use a Kindle!

So, now, let the comments begin. Please, someone, explain this to me! I would love to hear what you love about your Kindle or Nook or whatever so you can try to persuade me. I really and truly want to understand. If you agree with me, lemme know that too! Is anyone out there playing both sides and willing to open up a few points on either side?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts- Happy Reading!