Monday, February 14, 2011

Confession # 4!

Forgive me, forgive me- I have digressed. I intended for this to be a blog with hilarious/true/deep/fascinating confessions, with random book reviews and commentary. In turn, it's become less about the confessions, which I intend to remedy. So here goes, confession 4...

I HATE The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

I loathe it, with every fiber of my being. I don't even think it's necessary to explain why. I mean, who WASN'T traumatized by this book? IT. IS. MEAN.

Now, don't get me wrong- I don't think kid's books need to be sugary or fake or anything like that. I'm a huge advocate for subversive children's literature- like The Gashleycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey. I mean it- I'm a little strange. The point being that I don't care that this book isn't a typical children's book- normally, I would applaud good ol' Shel for that. But this book was like a punishment to children everywhere- a big old punch in the face for being, you know, KIDS. Guess what, Shel? KIDS ARE NEEDY! They should NOT be punished for taking from their parents or asking for things. Instead, he makes you feel like a heel for needing a provider, like parents. Urg.

Before everyone jumps down my throat, I recognize that the book is about the consistent taking from people who love you too much to say no. I also know that this is a person (the boy) that continues to take long into adulthood, and he begins to only come around when he need things, and all that jazz. I understand this, and I still think it's stupid.

Here's the irony. I was at Borders waiting for my PF Changs order to be ready, and I decided that my next confession would be this one. Literally minutes after, I was walking by the humor section and saw The Taking Tree: A Selfish Parody ( by Shrill Travesty (?). IT IS HILARIOUS! It's basically the awesome version of Silverstein's torturous "classic", but the tree's angry and sarcastic and eventually falls down and crushes the (now old) boy. HA!

So here's what I want to ask- am I the only one? Do you think I'm crazy? Also, what other kid's "classics" do you think are awful?

Anyways, Happy Reading!